Bonjour, j'aurais besoin de l'aide de quelqu'un qui est bon en compréhension écrite. Car je ne comprends vraiment rien. Mais si vous vous ne pouvez pas m'aider
La consigne c'est : faire l'expression écrite (150 mots) write a blog to explain that WOOF can be great experience.
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Merci beaucoup.
1 Réponse
1. Réponse razikaharvey40
wwoofing is definitely something that you should try. Indeed, it's an experience of a lifetime. You get the chance to travel all around the world and experience something different. You get the opportunity to be working in farms and enjoy the everyday life of a farmer. In exchange of your work, you get the chance to live in a farm for free. You learn how to cultivate organic vegetables and fruits. By doing that, you start to live a healthier life. Plus, you open your eyes to a better world, you find yourself closer to the nature and the animals from the farms.. You enjoy the company of your hosts, who will teach you everything you need to know about being a farmer. But, the most exciting, is to be able to travel everywhere and embrace different cultures. One more thing, you don't need to worry about money, because your work pays for your stay.
there is more than 150 words. so you are good.